So to settle the annoyance I decided to buy a long RG6 coaxial cable to solve my problem, I took the new coaxial cable and attached the connectors (can't connect it with the LNB and Receiver without them). Just as I thought that everything would be normal, to my another surprised I'm getting no signal again and worst the LED or the light on the receiver is blinking (red blinking light- it is connected to a power but it is not turned on yet) and I can't turn it on.
Well I'm already in a bad mood and hungry, I don't know what could be wrong, or I know whats wrong (it is the coaxial cable of course, that's the only thing that I've replaced) but don't know how could I've done it wrong.
I ate my lunch first, then remove the coaxial cable and check it thoroughly, It seems no problem with the cable (I was looking for a stripped cover along the cable). There must have been a problem on attaching the connectors, I used my analog multimeter then check for line continuity, there's a good line continuity between end to end center wire or conductor and end to end connectors.
This where I found the problem 'cause there is a line continuity between wire conductor (one end) to the connector on the other end where there shouldn't be, in short the wire is somewhat grounded and I found out that during my attaching of connectors, some of the aluminum braid (shielding) were in touch with the center wire (hey! at least I've got it).
My guidelines in attaching a connector to an RG6 coaxial cable:
- Make sure that the coaxial cable has a line continuity at both ends (check it before attaching the connectors). see the picture.
- In stripping the coaxial cable, make sure that that the shielding are cut clean (use a sharp wire cutters).
- Double check the attached connectors visually (you can actually see the center wire if there is an aluminum wire touching it). To be absolutely sure check again for line continuity.