I've checked on RG6 or coaxial cable by common terms (although nowadays it is simply called coax), obviously its variety are most commonly used in cable tv (mostly familiar), you must have seen it but never bothers.
RG6 term origin is from a long forgotten military spec which means radio guide and the numbers they say are picked in random (hmmm, I guess it is used to identify other coaxial cable from one another). RG6 coaxial cables main design are cables with 18 AWG (american wire gauge) center conductor and 75 ohm characteristic impedance (pretty technical huh!).
Its physical appearance (if you keenly observe it) has a center conductor, with a shield, the dielectric keeping the two apart, and an outer jacket wrapping (from the material being used in RG6, this is where its variety differs). Its main function (as we all hope it would be doing) is to transfer video signals from one piece of equipment to another with less cable loss, In the case of a satellite TV it is from LNB to our Receiver/s.
According to expert, RG6 coaxial cable are suited for a satellite TV set up, main reason for this is the shielding design which maintains the signal levels inside the center conductor even on a long cable run and appropriate for high frequency radio signals.
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