Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Satellite TV Dvr

The DVR, also known as the digital video recorder is one of the most convenient pieces of equipment available with satellite TV. It has revolutionized the way people watch television, and has made the art of watching television much more enjoyable.

It is possible, thanks to the DVR, to watching only the television you want to watch. The DVR allows you to skip parts that you may have already seen or don’t care about. It allows you to skip commercials. You can re-watch portions of the same show over and over again. You can back up and rewind something you’ve just seen on live TV, which makes it great for newscasts, weather reports, sporting events, and more.

The DVR allows you to watch programs that you might have had to give up because of a job. Love watching the soaps, but have a job that conflicts with their mid-day scheduling? Now you can set the DVR and forget about it. The memory bank of a DVR holds weeks worth of shows, so you can save them up for a weekend view-a-thon, or watch them on the nights when there’s nothing else that you want to watch. You can skip over days, or segments of the show, honing in just on the storylines that interest you. The possibilities are endless.

Got a great movie coming on that you’ve been dying to see, but it conflicts with another show you want to watch, or something you have to do outside of the home? Simply set the DVR (which only takes a moment to do) and when you have the time you can watch it. The great part about the DVR is if you love the movie, you can keep it on the DVR as long as you’d like, and watch it as many times as you want.

The DVR is a great little piece of equipment for satellite television for kids, too. Even with several children’s cartoon and programming networks available through satellite television, sometimes special cartoons, movies, and specials are aired on premium movie channels, during the holidays, or on Saturday mornings. Building up a library on the DVR of kid’s shows takes up no space in your house like pesky DVDs or VHS tapes, and you can simply click and watch the shows that your kids want right away. Keep them as long as you’d like, and delete them with the touch of a button. Again, impatient kids can whiz through commercials and parts they may have already seen. It’s the perfect solution to “What’s on TV?” from your kids!

The DVR truly does change the way you watch TV. Those arguments over which show to watch when sitting on the couch with your mate are suddenly not so important anymore when you can just DVR on person’s show. You don’t have to miss the end of the game, the big vote on your favorite reality show, or the series finale that you’ve waited all season for.

By: Jesse Buckhead

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