As people cut back on their budgets during a tough economic time, it must be asked whether luxuries such as subscription television are worth the cost. Whether or not they are is entirely the responsibility of the television providers. Offering a quality product is a sure way to keep a business alive but offering relatively few services for a high price is not acceptable in times when money is tight. The value of the service can be calculated in various ways to determine the sensibility of the subscription.
Television may once have been a luxury but, today, it is oftentimes a way that people keep informed about their world. There is a huge amount of news stations available on subscription television that oftentimes provide the fastest-reacting news as well as more in-depth reporting of long-term events. These channels are useful and should not be regarded as entertainment when assessing their value.
Even when times are tough, it's only human to need the occasional diversion. One way of calculating the value of subscription television is by determining how much one would spend on entertainment if they cancelled the service. Movies are, by far, the way in which most people relax and enjoy a good story. Subscription television does have distinct advantages over theaters and DVD rental. There is usually an ongoing selection of movies from which one may choose and one need not alter plans to avoid missing a movie as the films are shown many times over. Compared to renting or going to a theater, subscription television offers a great deal for the money.
When calculating entertainment costs, tickets, food, transportation and time involved must be factored into the equation. This usually reveals that the cost of subscription television for a month, depending on the provider, is usually less than one or two nights out at the movies.
Subscription television is more than an entertainment medium, of course. There are a great many educational channels that offer programming about history, science, the natural world, political events and many other subjects. While the theater may have a bigger screen on which to watch movies, substance is not typically one of the advantages it can claim.
Subscription television services often include streaming music as well as movies and television shows, which is another value-added product. This can offset the cost of purchasing CDs and can help refine one's choices when one does opt to buy.
Between the two most popular services, satellite TV and cable TV, satellite TV generally offers more channels for the amount of money spent, possibly the easiest way to calculate the value of a subscription. Satellite TV also offers a wider variety of services, on the whole, and the lowest subscription levels are comparable to cable's offerings in the mid to high range. When determining whether or not to keep entertainment as a priority, consider how much is being gained for the dollar spent. A variety of services and channels can make an entertainment service something that's also very useful.
By: K. Martinez
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Don't Assume You Can Bring A Satellite Dish With You To Your New Apartment Community

Many apartments renters start debating what is better, satellite television or cable television. But before you even start comparing the different technologies between the two, and which have certain packages , you must find out if cable or satellite is available at your new apartment home. Most people do not realize that the satellite must have a clear view of the southern sky in order for you to receive reception.
And some apartment homes may not allow you to connect the dish to your balcony or patio. The one benefit of a satellite television is that if you live in a rural community, you will have access to hundreds of channels. This may not be the case with cable television. Also certain cable operators deliver different content. With the satellite dish you can be sure you will be able to receive all the programming that you require. But living in an apartment presents all sorts of hoops that you must jump through. Apartment communities can have hundreds of units on the premises. Will you be able to attach you dish with a clear view of the southern sky? If you can’t then you probably won’t be able to receive a clear signal. Some apartment units are located right in the middle of the community and have no clear line of sight. Many times there are other unidentifiable obstructions that can cause a problem. Before you start touring apartments you should ask two separate questions.
1) Does the apartment community allow satellite dishes to be attached to the property?
2) Does the property have any available apartment homes with a clear view of the southern sky?
There is another issue that may prevent you from installing a satellite on the premises. Many apartment homes have private contracts with cable companies. This would prevent you from installing a satellite dish. Many renters are irate they their choices may be limited in this way.
We have seen countless renters decide to apply at different apartment homes where their satellite options are limited. Other apartment homes will only let you install the dish in certain places. It is possible they may request you do not place the dish on the roof. Then you will have to ascertain if you can use a different spot on the property.
Also remember that in environments that have a lot of rainfall may cause problems with the operation of the satellite signal. Many of you may be aware of the loss of television during a heavy rain. Remember to do your homework before you automatically assume a dish will work in your apartment home.
By: Andrew 1977
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Satellite TV for PC?

There has been some buzz on this Satellite TV for PC, could this overtake our conventional satellite TV system (I love mine!)?. I've check some website featuring this and you will be astounded by the advertisement and promotion by this. Now the question is does this hype holds true?. as what i've read, all you need for this is to buy the software and that's it!, no more TV card. Of course, there is some issue on your PC specification and internet speed to have a better viewing pleasure, so they say, but that's a minimal problem.
I've googled "satellite TV for PC photos" and there you'll see tons of photos of available software that is for sale. Is this some kind of a scam? because other channel offered are viably viewable without even this software, there are website that do this for a humble fee of FREE!. Browsing through some forums on this topic will just confuse you (it confused me!). While others claim that it is true (they bought one, I guessed) and really functioning very well, there are also claims that it is just a pure scam and will not work or have tons of problem working (hhmmm!). I think, there are software that really works and a tons of non-working for satellite TV for PC you just have to find it. I sometime watch on my computer, specially japanese anime (my son doesn't like anime yet-with sub title of course, I'm not japanese), but it is never comfortable to me, since there is no couch in front of my PC. (LOL!)
For sure conventional Satellite TV (you know, with the dish at the top of your house!) works, I even learn a lot of technical stuff owning one. Well, we all have our own choices.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Hail! Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao

I know that it's been days now and this is not a blog about boxing, but I just can't dust off the excitement brought about by our Great Filipino Boxer Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao (unfortunately I wasn't able to watch it on my Satellite TV but instead I watch the Internet live video streaming).
His latest fight was last May 2 on MGM Grand Las Vegas with Ricky "the Hitman" Hatton, and the result of round 2 via knock out was very exhilirating and the power shots (I mean the Hits), it really landed on the Hitman (LOL!), I think his OK though. For Manny all works for him, his hard training for speed, power, discipline and the love of God really paid off (and from news I think he really getting paid a lot!, it comes with fame).
Hope the next fight would be this exciting but as for now, just cherish the recent Victory he brings. This is one way of saying Thanks to Pacman for bringing unity to the Philippines and making ourselves proud.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Satellite TV Fine tuning tips
I'd like to share the tips I found very useful in optimizing a satellite TV set up, it a guide that I've used. Normally you can check the signal strength and quality value on your Satellite TV, satellite receiver has this function for verification. In my receiver remote control it is the button Info, go ahead and check it.
If this is what you're getting :
0 Strength and 0 Quality (all zero!)
First check all connection are in proper, most common in this type of problem is that the coaxial cable from LNB are connected in marked "in from antenna", this should be connected in "in from dish, digital in or LNB in" label. I somewhat experience this on my initial set-up the label on the back of my receiver is in chinese!, good thing there's only two connection for coaxial cable, it was a trial and error for me.
Another factor for this is the RG6 coaxial cable, this could be grounded or with moist in it. Check the cable or replace it if possible.
0-30 Strength and 0 Quality
On these level check for any obstruction on the satellite dish to the satellite.
40-60 Strength and 0 Quality
with these level there might be a minor adjustment to the initial set-up, most common problem for this are that the bolts are not tightened properly, or heavy wind and rain experience or something bump your dish. you should place the dish to its original set up position (if you have markings on the dish), or perform the dish pointing (if you can, well it easy but tiring!) or call someone who knows how to catch a satellite. Once everything is OK make sure to mark the pole and the side of the dish holder for future reference of the angle ang elevation.
40-60 Strength and 30-70 Quality
With these signal only fine-tuning of LNB is needed until you reach an optimum signal quality between 70-100. this is done by twisting the LNB clockwise or counter clockwise depends on the signal you're getting wait for at least 5 minutes to register the signal on your receiver, if it is getting lower twist it on other way (of course you have to loosen the LNB collar first before doing the twist). After optimization do a channel scan or blind scan.
Always check first the signal strength and quality everytime you encounter any problem with the your satellite TV to give you an idea.
If this is what you're getting :
0 Strength and 0 Quality (all zero!)
First check all connection are in proper, most common in this type of problem is that the coaxial cable from LNB are connected in marked "in from antenna", this should be connected in "in from dish, digital in or LNB in" label. I somewhat experience this on my initial set-up the label on the back of my receiver is in chinese!, good thing there's only two connection for coaxial cable, it was a trial and error for me.
Another factor for this is the RG6 coaxial cable, this could be grounded or with moist in it. Check the cable or replace it if possible.
0-30 Strength and 0 Quality
On these level check for any obstruction on the satellite dish to the satellite.
40-60 Strength and 0 Quality
with these level there might be a minor adjustment to the initial set-up, most common problem for this are that the bolts are not tightened properly, or heavy wind and rain experience or something bump your dish. you should place the dish to its original set up position (if you have markings on the dish), or perform the dish pointing (if you can, well it easy but tiring!) or call someone who knows how to catch a satellite. Once everything is OK make sure to mark the pole and the side of the dish holder for future reference of the angle ang elevation.
40-60 Strength and 30-70 Quality
With these signal only fine-tuning of LNB is needed until you reach an optimum signal quality between 70-100. this is done by twisting the LNB clockwise or counter clockwise depends on the signal you're getting wait for at least 5 minutes to register the signal on your receiver, if it is getting lower twist it on other way (of course you have to loosen the LNB collar first before doing the twist). After optimization do a channel scan or blind scan.
Always check first the signal strength and quality everytime you encounter any problem with the your satellite TV to give you an idea.
Satellite dish,
satellite receiver,
Satellite TV,
Friday, May 1, 2009
Satellite Elevators
Last time I've post a topic on Clarke's belt or Geosynchronized orbit which is very useful in our communication specially on our satellite TV, coincidentally I saw this episode on National geographic on space travel (I forgot the episode title). Discussing space exploration that we are stuck to for 30 years now (the last when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon). Since the great problem of space travel is cost (millions of dollars will be spent), because of the chemical fuel that would be used to lift up a spacecraft from earth and almost 90% of the spacecraft would be dedicated to just the fuel container itself. That's when different idea was shown to minimize the launch cost.
One idea is using a satellite elevator, by using the geosynchronized orbit which is stationary to us, satellite elevators is very possible. The idea is to use the satellite elevator to lift the spacecraft from earth and launch it in space (cool!), it is much cheaper then since it doesn't much use chemical fuel. If your an anime fan you probably saw this concept already, in Gundam 00 anime they use satellite elevators to transport people to outer space powered by solar, in their fictional era there is little or no more fuel in the middle east and main source of earths' energy comes from a satellite harnessing solar energy (watch it you'll like it , if you are fascinated by robots.). Who knows maybe in the near future we may also receive an energy and a broadcast from space to our Satellite TV!.
One idea is using a satellite elevator, by using the geosynchronized orbit which is stationary to us, satellite elevators is very possible. The idea is to use the satellite elevator to lift the spacecraft from earth and launch it in space (cool!), it is much cheaper then since it doesn't much use chemical fuel. If your an anime fan you probably saw this concept already, in Gundam 00 anime they use satellite elevators to transport people to outer space powered by solar, in their fictional era there is little or no more fuel in the middle east and main source of earths' energy comes from a satellite harnessing solar energy (watch it you'll like it , if you are fascinated by robots.). Who knows maybe in the near future we may also receive an energy and a broadcast from space to our Satellite TV!.
clarke's belt,
geosynchronized orbit,
Satellite TV
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