Many apartments renters start debating what is better, satellite television or cable television. But before you even start comparing the different technologies between the two, and which have certain packages , you must find out if cable or satellite is available at your new apartment home. Most people do not realize that the satellite must have a clear view of the southern sky in order for you to receive reception.
And some apartment homes may not allow you to connect the dish to your balcony or patio. The one benefit of a satellite television is that if you live in a rural community, you will have access to hundreds of channels. This may not be the case with cable television. Also certain cable operators deliver different content. With the satellite dish you can be sure you will be able to receive all the programming that you require. But living in an apartment presents all sorts of hoops that you must jump through. Apartment communities can have hundreds of units on the premises. Will you be able to attach you dish with a clear view of the southern sky? If you can’t then you probably won’t be able to receive a clear signal. Some apartment units are located right in the middle of the community and have no clear line of sight. Many times there are other unidentifiable obstructions that can cause a problem. Before you start touring apartments you should ask two separate questions.
1) Does the apartment community allow satellite dishes to be attached to the property?
2) Does the property have any available apartment homes with a clear view of the southern sky?
There is another issue that may prevent you from installing a satellite on the premises. Many apartment homes have private contracts with cable companies. This would prevent you from installing a satellite dish. Many renters are irate they their choices may be limited in this way.
We have seen countless renters decide to apply at different apartment homes where their satellite options are limited. Other apartment homes will only let you install the dish in certain places. It is possible they may request you do not place the dish on the roof. Then you will have to ascertain if you can use a different spot on the property.
Also remember that in environments that have a lot of rainfall may cause problems with the operation of the satellite signal. Many of you may be aware of the loss of television during a heavy rain. Remember to do your homework before you automatically assume a dish will work in your apartment home.
By: Andrew 1977
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