When I first heard of the principle geosynchronized or geostationary satellites, I wonder how's that?. Of course we all know the moon orbits around the earth but not in stationary, unlike satellites which have a footprint on earth and and it is just there in his place day or night.
Well after reading some stuff on satellites (satellite TV), it enlightens me that there is a Geostationary orbits on earth in which satellites orbits in the direction of the earths rotation, it about 22,300 miles (approx.) above the earth ground, with this altitude it produces an orbital period equal to the earth's period of rotation (meaning - same speed) that is why it always seems stationary to a fixed point on earth. The satellite concept was invented by a science fiction novelist Arthur C. Clarke back in the 1940's, that is why it is also called Clarke's belt.
Actually it is not stationary it just moves the same as our Earth, since to us on the ground the satellites seemed not to be moving we just have to know the exact position of a satellite (for a satellite TV) to point our satellite dish and received/maintain the link to the satellite TV signals without worry that the satellite (in my case the Agila 2) might be out of sync. Good for us all!
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