Thursday, April 16, 2009

Painting the Satellite dish

A friend of mine who also owns a satelliteTV dish set up decided to get funky and painted his satellite dish, from the original color of light beige to blue (not funky at all!). He used a can spray paint (don't know the label), I ask him if there was any change on the audio/video quality on TV, he said none (or he just don't observe it well?).

Is it really ok to re-paint the dish from its original color? I did some researched on this issue of painting the dish (with our friendly google of course!) and got sleepy reading on forums and tech sites. But knowledge is power right! (how come I'm more powerless? LOL!).

And the answer is, Yes!, Satellite dish can be re-painted but there are several guidelines that should be followed so as not to affected the signal quality and damage the satellite dish itself.

Painting Guidelines:
  • Don't use lead based / glossy type / metallic paint. The reason for this is that it increases the reflection from the sum and may disrupt with satellite TV reception and may burn the LNB.
  • Don't paint the LNB (Low Noise Block), you'll get no signal at all!
  • Use only light color paint and the coating should be light also. (Spray paint is advisable, paint brushes gives a thick coating)
  • Use high quality paint that will not peel easily.
During my inquiry, I stumble upon some Satellite dish, that I never even think of to have:
  • There's a satellite dish cover, only the dish and there's the whole dish set-up, it won't interfere with the signal according to the advertisement even with covers.
  • There is also a dish that don't even look like a dish. Look at the embedded photo, pretty neat huh!. The dish that is in rectangular shape also has a capability of camouflaged (great!), they call it sqish, it is from UK. A photograph of the surrounding wall has to be taken and the sqish take it and it will just blend with its background (coolness!)
Whatever customization you want just don't compromised the looks of your dish to the signal quality of your satellite TV. My light gray dish color is fine for me. (for now!).

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